
2019-03-10  作者|标签:[法]圣埃克苏佩里

  1939年德国法西斯入侵法国,鉴于圣·德克旭贝里曾多次受伤,医生认为他不能再入伍参战;但经他坚决要求,参加了抗德战争,被编入 2/33 空军侦察大队。1940年法国在战争中溃败,他所在的部队损失惨重,该部被调往阿尔及尔,随后即被复员,他只身流亡美国。在美国期间,他继续从事写作,1940年发表了《战斗飞行员》,1943年发表了《给一个人质的信》以及《小王子》。


  『PS. 我在1993年的一份参考消息上看到一则简讯,在欧洲某地的一个湖中,发现了圣·德克旭贝里的飞机残骸。这次搜索是经过对他最后一次出航的线路和德军当时的空军记录研究以后进行的,经过认证确认是那架失踪了半个世纪的侦察机。为了纪念这位伟大的战士和文学家,当地决定为这架飞机的残骸建立一个博物馆,以他的名字命名,陈列他的作品和遗物。原文我曾经剪下来保存,但是目前不在身边,上面是凭记忆写的。如有出入,请多包涵。 Loking 注。』SAINT-EXUPERY, Antoine de (1900-44)。 An adventurous pilot and a lyricalpoet, Antoine de Saint-Exupery conveyed in his books the solitude and mysticgrandeur of the early days of flight. He described dangerous adventures in theskies and also wrote the whimsical children's fable 'The Little Prince'.

  Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Exupery was born on June 29, 1900, in Lyon, France.

  In the 1920s he helped establish airmail routes overseas. During World War II heflew as a military reconnaissance pilot. After the Germans occupied France in 1940,he escaped to the United States. He rejoined the air force in North Africa in 1943.

  During what was to have been his final reconnaissance mission over the MediterraneanSea, he died when his plane was shot down on July 31, 1944.

  Saint-Exupery's first book, 'Southern Mail', was about the life and death of anairmail pilot. It was published in French in 1929. Other books include 'NightFlight' (1931), about the first airline pilots, and 'Wind, Sand, and Stars' (1939),in which he describes his feelings during flights over the desert.

  'The Little Prince' (1943), which in a way is really a children's book forgrown-ups, was written during Saint-Exupery's stay in the United States.

  A gentle and thoughtful book, it tells the story of a boy who lives alone on atiny planet.

  A final volume of reflections, which provides an insight into the author's viewson the meaning of life, is 'The Wisdom of the Sands' (1948)。 This book was publishedafter the pilot's death.

  -- From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎

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  个别字句有所改动,原文中有大量jīng美的插图,可是商务版只有几副。如果有插图,可以制作一份 WWW 版的《小王子》主页,那就更好了。



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